Terrorism is never going away

terrorism terrorist

I have been thinking about terrorism lately. I have been thinking that the terrorists are winning. I believe that they will win. Yet it is the words, and the subsequent actions, of people like Jesse Hughes that keep me hoping I am wrong. Jesse is in the band Eagles of Continue Reading →

12 People I Would Love to Have a Chat With

richard branson virgin

People. We need people in our lives. In fact as a form of punishment in prison they take a prisoner away from people and put them in isolation. There are all sorts of types of people in the world and some we are more attracted to than others for whatever Continue Reading →


Why are some people super successful in life and others are not and the rest just sort of flounder along? I think it all comes down to desire and what we want out of life. Like the band U2 sang, “…And the fever…getting higher. Desire.” Yet sometimes desire can be Continue Reading →